Manufacturing Construction Bricks And Cement Block Machine Prices

A cement block machine is a device capable of producing different types of quality blocks, including solid blocks, interlocking bricks, hollow blocks, and paver blocks. Different types of blocks are required for different types of construction projects.

Without access to an automatic cement brick making machine, construction bricks have to be manually manufactured. The manual method of producing bricks is slow and requires a large labor force. The erection of modern large buildings obviously requires hundreds of thousands of blocks, so manual brick construction methods are no longer feasible in many parts of the world.

automatic block machine

With a concrete block making machine, quality cement bricks can be manufactured at a very rapid rate. The high quality of machine-produced bricks means they are not susceptible to cracking, and they are accurately sized.

The production of quality blocks requires the correct ratios of cement, fly ash, sand, and other raw materials, so choosing a machine with accurate weighing and mixing components is important. Examples of some of the raw materials required for concrete block manufacturing are fly ash, stone powder, small rock particles, lime, sand, water, slag, industrial tailing, ceramist, grain slay and coal gangue.

Block Making Machine Types

There are different types of concrete block machines available, including automatic, semi-automatic, hydraulic, mobile, and mechanical. Mobile concrete block making machines are equipped with wheels and can be moved using the inbuilt electric motors. Such models require a human operator and have limited output production rates.

Hydraulic block machine utilize a vibration motor and hydraulic pressure to produce high-grade bricks. Automatic block machines are completely computer-controlled and are capable of producing thousands of blocks every hour without the need for an extensive manual labor force.

A typical block machine is constructed from super-strength steel and has an extra longer operating lifespan. Automatic models have computerized circuitry and PLC control units. Machines from different brands have various unique extra functions.

Devices from the best suppliers are easy to operate, reliable, fast, durable, and require low maintenance. It is also easy to source spare parts for machines when you purchase devices from leading global brands that use standardized components.

Concrete Block Sizes

The standard size of a conventional US concrete block in inches 8 x 8 x 16. The great things about modern automatic block laying machine is that you can use different interchangeable molds to produce bricks of all different sizes are shapes. Some places where you might see more uniquely shaped blocks include public footpaths and residential driveways.

Cement Block Machine Price

Cement block machine price depends on the function, size, and performance of the device. You can obtain price lists for different models on most suppliers’ websites. Alternatively, you may have to contact a vendor directly to request a cost estimate for different models. The quality of blocks the machine is capable of producing will also have an impact on the cost, as will the location of the supplier. Anyone can start a brick manufacturing business by investing in the best concrete block making machines.